Plastifloor hardener fitting for Plastifloor resins
Plastifloor® Hardener MPlastifloor® Hardener M for mat sealings |
Hardener for Plastifloor® 500Hardener for Plastifloor® 500 Style Coating. |
Plastifloor® HardenerPlastifloor® Hardener |
Dosing feederProduct no.: PF111001Hardener dispenser with Vol (%). Specification up to 250ml. Measuring cup for optimum dosing of hardener
Delivery weight: 1 kg
Plastifloor®500 HardenerProduct no.: PF500H01Plastifloor® hardener powder contains peroxide and is soluble in acrylic resin for 500 Style |
Plastifloor® Hardener MProduct no.: PF111060Plastifloor hardener powder M hardener for mat finishing
1 kg = 39.80 €
Delivery weight: 0.4 kg
hardener powder 10 PA 20 kgProduct no.: PF111111Plastifloor hardener powder 10 PA 20 kg paper bag
1 kg = 19.50 €
Delivery weight: 20 kg
Plastifloor® Hardener 50WProduct no.: PF111035Plastifloor® hardener powder 50W is processed together with Plastifloor® coating resins. We recommend to use Plasti®hardener in our systems.
1 kg = 32.80 €
Delivery weight: 0.4 kg